Monday 20 February 2012

A little about me & this blog. Sorry, it's long

Well hello there! Welcome to my blog. I could make this more interesting, but that's not my thing. So let me just tell you some shtuff about me and/or this blog, and its objectives.

So, my name is Omar, or on the interwebz, 0mariobkp, 0mario, BiziKila, and there are some other, not used aliases as well which I will not get into. ( One other is Nabajo Vianl or Wan Erith for Star Wars & other RPGs around.)

Err.. I'm 18, I'm Italian, but have been living in ENGLAND since the age of 2. So I have been here for 16 years. It's okay, it's my life now so yeh. I speak fluent English & Italian.

I'm not the sharpest knife in the draw, but hey, I taught myself how to read & write Italian when I was young ( I picked up the talking whilst growing up as everyone in my family speaks it.) But I'm not that blunt either ( to carry on the metaphor..or simile < SEE?!)

I have taken on many projects, and am still doing 2 of them, well.. 3 at times. These projects are;
Music ( which I have stopped doing when I used up the resources I had to use & got bored when I was not improving.) With programs on the web. ( such as Mixcraft ) and never learning how to use Fruity Loops when I was doing it. So I left it alone.

Writing. This is kind of interesting, I started writing a random book out of boredom a good couple of years ago. I have been an avid bookworm since a young age, when I used to take & read Mickey Mouse mini-comic books (They where like books but with a couple of stories centred around  Mickey, Goofy, Donald & his uncle w/ nephews) ( This is where I started to teach my self how to read Italian ) and then moved on to Stephen King stories/books & so on & so forth. Then, back in 2008/9 in an English class in High/secondary School I (and the rest of my class) was told to do a story/poem for the class. At the end of the class, I told me teacher that I was writing a story that was not intended for school, but if I could use it. Of course she was pleased with someone actually taking an interest in literature ( what English teacher wouldn't be?) So after doing a bit more work, and changing some F-bombs into nicer words but keeping words like 'crap' & 'shit', I handed it in after 21 pages. She liked it, which I was pleased about ( I mean, getting praise for some work you have been doing is always awesome) So yeah.. There's that.

(Oh this is getting long.. oh well.)

And the last project I have is Youtube game commentary. So;
I make gameing videos all day everyday ( or well I upload them all day everyday, I record an hour or so of each game I play and then upload ) with commentary, just random talking about nothing in particular or about the game itself. If you are under 13 don't watch my videos, if you have your parents around...wear some headphone. I swear.. A LOT!

Err.. Well that's it about me really. So.. This blog.
Well the goal of this blog really is just for me to rant. I will be posting crap about my day mainly, but I may post some other things.

Oh, one more thing about me. I am doing a Computer Gaming QA Tester course with Train2Game. All online, and so yeh. here may be a 'sub-blog' on here of me just talking about that and keeping some updates on it and how I'm doing.

Well, if you read this all, thanks.

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